Acronym List

There's a lot of acronyms floating around, which can make it overwhelming for someone who wants to get into pin collecting. Below is a list of commonly used acronyms you may see on Instagram and Facebook pin groups.
  • Ano - Anodised/rainbow metal
  • BN - Black Nickel
  • DISO - Desperately In Search Of
  • D+S+S - Drop + Shipping + Shipping
  • ff - friends and family. Payment option on PayPal
  • FS - For Sale
  • FT - For Trade
  • GS - Goods and Services. Payment option on PayPal
  • ISO - In Search Of
  • LE - Limited Edition
  • LR - Limited Release
  • NFS - Not for Sale
  • NFT - Not for Trade
  • OE - Open Edition
  • p4p - Paid for Production
  • PO - Pre-Order
  • POP - Pin on Pin
  • RG - Rose Gold